Darthmorf - improved the Doctor sprites.Malunis - provided the initial Cybermen sprites, as well as 9 & 10's clothes.Grox the Great - your GRealm Mod and Example Mod have been a great help.

Yoraiz0r and the rest of the tConfig/tAPI dev team - for answering my (sometimes stupid) questions in the various help threads an irc, and for making tAPI in the first place.rangerofthewest - gave me coding advice back in the early days.Apart from giving me advice in the early days, he also allowed me to use some of his existing code. Dogsonofawolf - His NPC Pack and Other Worlds mod provided the inspiration for me to start this mod way back in 2012.My thanks to the following, without whom this mod wouldn't have reached the point where it is today: A continuation of my old tConfig mod, this mod adds a variety of NPCs and items from both the classic and new series of Doctor Who. Ever wanted to see more Doctor Who content in Terraria? If so, then this mod is for you.